Just call me Urban Farmer

Welcome to my small homestead. I have been gardening since I was a small child, helping to tend my parent’s vegetable gardens in our small suburban lot. Growing my own food has been a passion of mine through the years, and even when I lived in a condo, I grew containers of tomatoes, potatoes, herbs and fresh greens.

Jade Gardens is animal powered. The orchard and gardens are my attempt at a sustainable lifestyle, with the help of goats, chickens and rabbits. The excess eggs and produce that are not preserved or canned are shared with the local food bank. In the past I have gardened in urban areas and find the act of Suburban and Urban Homesteading to be very satisfying.

  1. Goats and bunnies and chickens! What a beautiful homestead you have! Best wishes to you and your homestead.

    • brenda
    • August 6th, 2011

    Your photos are awesome. You make your space beautiful.

    brenda from arkansas

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